800kg raw materials
+50 metals (incl. rare-earth)
1,5T of water
22kg of chemicals
Save precious time on collect so that you can concentrate your efforts on what really matter: ACT!
My IT Footprint is an operational tool designed to help IT Services provider anchor these issues in their daily work with :
Because it is no longer possible to manage your services without taking into account environmental issues, you now have the possibility, in one click on the store, to extend your ServiceNow with all the necessary features to do "your part" in the fabulous challenges that characterize our time!
If you have Servicenow, whatever the data or the processes already implemented, My IT Footprint remains a very good way to manage your sustainable IT approach. Why ?
In conclusion, the "my IT footprint" application is already the most advantageous right now, regardless of the use you make of your Servicenow solution. But the more you have data you have in it to leverage from (e.g Assets & CMDB databases (which are normally the cornerstone of ITSM), The more have automated, detailled and reliable measurement of your carbon and WEEE footprint.
Some references :
[ 1 ] Sobriété numérique, Les clés pour agir - Frédéric Bordage - Date de parution : 12/09/2019
[ 2 ] The shift project lean ICT report 2019
[ 3 ] ADEME - la face cachée du numérique - édition 2019
[ 4 ] The global e-waste monitor 2020
[ 5 ] Déchets électroniques, le grand détournement" : documentaire diffusé le mardi 19 février 2019 sur France 5
[ 6 ] Livre vert - green it et développement durable du syntec numérique