Looking for
low-carbon & sustainable IT Services ?
Extend features of your ServiceNow
with My IT Footprint

Your services deserves to be exemplary

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Replay of the webinar
"ServiceNow & Sustainability"
co-hosted with ServiceNow & Devoteam

Feb. 2022

Watch the replay



sources of carbon impact with the largest increase

Contrary to the Paris agreements, digital technology could be more emissive than global automobile traffic by 2025.

fastest growing waste stream

18% of 2019 WEEE was officially recycled
.They cause conflict and are toxic to human health and the environment

to manufacture 1 laptop (2kg)

800kg raw materials
+50 metals (incl. rare-earth)
1,5T of water
22kg of chemicals




See on ServiceNow store


  • Automate a major part of the measurement from the data already present in your servicenow and from the database of my IT Footprint included several thousand emission factors maintained up to date by our teams.
  • Facilitate the collection of other activity data for a complete measurement.
  • Analyze by axis (cost center, business services, BU, etc.) with a high level of detail, which is crucial for identifying the best actions.
  • Duplicate to capitalize from one collection to another
  • Calculate lifespans, ratios (intensity per user, per turnover etc.)
  • Increase your transparency & auditability: emission factors and activity data used and associated documents.

Save precious time on collect so that you can concentrate your efforts on what really matter: ACT!



My IT Footprint is an operational tool designed to help IT Services provider anchor these issues in their daily work with :

  • A module dedicated to strategy, to define objectives by department or any other organizational unit. A system of reduction actions coupled with the measurement system to:
    • Break down silos and facilitate stakeholders coordination,
    • Quantify, have a forecast to secure your low-carbon trajectory
    • Allow feedback loops to be in an continuous improvement process
    • Native integration with other processes: risk management, project management (eco by design), innovation management, field services, vendor management, etc.

Because it is no longer possible to manage your services without taking into account environmental issues, you now have the possibility, in one click on the store, to extend your ServiceNow with all the necessary features to do "your part" in the fabulous challenges that characterize our time!

  • Quick to deploy and easy to use, the tool enabled us in a few weeks to have a complete measurement system, largely automated, to have a detailed history to identify trends and to integrate these climate and WEEE issues into the management of our city's digital heritage. It is also an undeniable asset in raising awareness among our users.

    Jean-Noël OLIVIER - General Manager

  • Every tonne of carbon we don't burn makes our future better.

    Michael Mann - Climatologue

  • 1 generation will consume as much rare earths as the previous 2500 generations.
    In other words, in the next 30 years we will consume more than in the last 70,000 years.

    Olivier Vidal - CNRS


  • The app is sold as an annual subscription with a one to three year commitment.
  • Remember that a sustainable IT approach goes hand in hand with a reduction in costs in euros. The 3 major levers for lowering your carbon footprint are indeed to reduce the number of equipment required, to increase their lifespan or even to lower their electricity bill.
  • Because our application provides the necessary means to efficiently organize such an approach, its cost is largely financed by the savings, not to mention the non-quantifiable benefits detailed below.
  • Wanted to obtain a quotation as well as the main elements of ROI specific to your context ? click here
  • Put under control the worrying explosion of environmental cost of digital technology
  • Anticipate future regulatory risks and / or of contraction on critical resources ((incl. rare metals, oil etc.)
  • To promote low-carbon services/offering and add a business differentiator
  • Strengthen the attractiveness of the IT department/company, by strengthening its employer brand
  • Strengthen the role of IT in the group's low-carbon transition, starting by demonstrating its ability to transform its business
  • Optimize the financial balance of digital services. Indeed, embarking on a low carbon trajectory for digital services goes hand in hand with financial savings. The 3 main levers are to rationalize the number of equipment, to increase their lifespan and to lower the electricity bill,
  • Because the easy and quick deployment from the Servicenow Store will have almost none impact on the ServiceNow project agenda
  • it is a unifying project that stimulates an often very positive company dynamic .
  • Leverage from your servicenow invest
  • Reduce time & effort to measure carbon & e-waste footprint
  • Analyze with an high level of details - by cost center, business service, application, business unit ...- that is crucial to know chere to act, and do it with efficienty
  • Manage action plan with quantified forecast to secure objectives
  • Not dissociate environemental & social matters associated with your IT activities
  • Strong automation, customization, reporting and integration capabilities
  • Easy and quick deployment and update from the ServiceNow Store will have almost none impact on the ServiceNow project agenda
  • Pure player with dual ESG / ServiceNow expertise : Stay up-to-date - in particular on emissions factors - and level up sustainable IT maturity with a 100% dedicated software vendor on this in progress practice
  • If you have Servicenow, whatever the data or the processes already implemented, My IT Footprint remains a very good way to manage your sustainable IT approach. Why ?

    1. By avoiding a new tool in your information system, you follow the sustainable IT best practices by using one of your existing tools.
    2. If automation will be all the more important as you have reliable data in Servicenow, you can still cover the entire process with much more ease and speed than a new tool:
    • fast to deply & easy to use as Servicenow is already installed & used in your organization.
    • No additional servicenow skills are necessary to administrate and/or customize this application
    • The reference data (users & organizational) already present will facilitate and accelerate data collection
    • The service portal deployed is a ideal place to raise awareness, communicate and/or organize data collection with stakeholders.
    • ServiceNow's strong integration capabilities can overcome the current lack of data.
    • ServiceNow is already used by IT members and offers powerful reporting, integration and action system.

In conclusion, the "my IT footprint" application is already the most advantageous right now, regardless of the use you make of your Servicenow solution. But the more you have data you have in it to leverage from (e.g Assets & CMDB databases (which are normally the cornerstone of ITSM), The more have automated, detailled and reliable measurement of your carbon and WEEE footprint.

  • This operational application is primarily intended for the IT department.
  • Just as it manages its budget with the support of its financial department, the IT department should have the means to manage its carbon budget and its waste with the support of CSR Department.
  • Yes, this 100% ServiceNow app is certified Built On Now and published on the ServiceNow Store.
  • We invite you to let us know your interest and / or request a demonstration here.

Some references :
[ 1 ] Sobriété numérique, Les clés pour agir - Frédéric Bordage - Date de parution : 12/09/2019
[ 2 ] The shift project lean ICT report 2019
[ 3 ] ADEME - la face cachée du numérique - édition 2019
[ 4 ] The global e-waste monitor 2020
[ 5 ] Déchets électroniques, le grand détournement" : documentaire diffusé le mardi 19 février 2019 sur France 5
[ 6 ] Livre vert - green it et développement durable du syntec numérique